
September 15, 2014 — September signals the start of the school year. Students are fully moved in to their apartments or residence halls; classes are in full swing and the business of learning is a daily activity for students and professors.

But the university is more than classes, sports and parties; it is also a place where God is at work amidst all this. On both the UNT and TWU campuses, Christian faculty and administrators gathered to begin this year with worship of Christ.

On September 11, the Little Chapel in the Woods (above) was nearly filled with TWU faculty, staff and students. Ross Chadwick, Denton Fire Department chief, talked about the role of the rescuer — both in the physical sense of those who risk their lives daily to save from fires; and in the spiritual sense.

Christ Our Rescuer

Chadwick talked about Christ as Rescuer:”Christ didn’t just tell us we were in bad shape; that would have only made Him a prophet. Nor did He only come and give us a set of instructions on how to be rescued; that would have only made Him a moral teacher. Christ came and fully rescued us — He took us out of our situation of being separated from God, and brought us into the safely of a relationship with Him.”

Faculty also participated: Dr. Nancy DiMarco (Nutrition) read Scriptures, and Dr. Gary Ray (VP-Enrollment) acted as host. Students involved in F.O.C.U.S. lead the attendees in hymns.