“I became a Christian during my junior year at Indiana University. I had grown up attending church, but it wasn’t until I began reading the Bible and writing by C.S. Lewis, and watching the life of a sorority sister, that I realized that I did not know Christ on a personal basis.” More On Sarah

“I became a Christian in high school. I realized that until then, I had used God as a vacuum cleaner for the messes in my life. I never knew Him personally. So that was a start…but how could I grow as a Christian? This was largely unanswered until I was discipled by a Campus Crusade for Christ staff member. at Indiana. I learned how to study the Bible, how to share my faith, and how to disciple others.” More On Steve
CRU/Campus Crusade For Christ Staff:
1976 – 1978 Oklahoma City — High School Ministry (Sarah)
1977 – 1978 North Dakota State — (Steve)
1978 – 1980 North Dakota State (Sarah and Steve!)
1980 – 1985 Notre Dame
1985 – 1999 North Texas
1999 – present North Texas — Faculty Ministry
Steve is currently the Co-leader of faculty ministry in a 22-State Region.
If you’d like to know what some professors, and some of our former students have to say about their involvement with CRU/Campus Crusade for Christ, click HERE