We have the privilege of coaching CRU/Faculty Commons staff in these 22 states:
Matthew Adams
Matthew Adams works with professors at Texas State University. He and his wife Jesslyn have two children.

John Boudreaux
John Boudreaux works with faculty at LSU, Nicholls State and Stephen F Austin. He and his wife Stephanie have three adult children.
Ralph Cooley
Ralph Cooley ministers to professors in northern Idaho and Washington state. He and his wife Connie have children and grandchildren whom they love — but all of whom live in Colorado.

Dr. David Engle
Dr. Engle retired from Oklahoma State University three years ago as a professor of rangeland ecology. He leads the Christian Faculty-Staff Fellowship at OSU and mentors both new and veteran professors in how to have a personal ministry and walk more closely with Christ. He consults with Steve on developing faculty ministries at universities in each of these states.
Rob Gunn
Rob Gunn works with faculty at universities in Utah and southern Idaho. He and his wife Miriam have two adult children.
Gene Muckleroy
Gene Muckleroy works with professors at many universities in south Texas. He also leads Destino, a Cru ministry to Hispanics, in the San Antonio area. He and Heather have kids in high school and in college.
Jim & Lynn Kessler
Jim and Lynn Kessler work at Oklahoma State University. Though both originally from Oklahoma, worked with Cru in the U.S. for 18 years with undergrads, then served for nearly 20 years with Cru in Croatia and Hungary. We are very excited by the wisdom and enthusiasm they bring to minister not only at OSU but also at other campuses throughout Oklahoma.
Kent and LeAnne Pierce
The Pierces serve with CRU at the University of Nebraska.They have five adult children.