[April 21, 2013]–
On many university campuses, professors are not rewarded for being excellent teachers — they are rewarded for bringing in research dollars and recognition to their universities. It can be a labor of love on their part to take the time to really help students learn.

Steve spoke to several Christian student groups on the value of professors, and the need to affirm those who go out of their way to help students. A number of students wrote thank you notes, recounting their experiences and why those particular professors were their favorites.

Afterward, some of those professors emailed their own thanks. Here are two examples.
“Receiving their note was the highlight of my day.”
“This student was a real joy to have in class, and I was so glad to get their note.”

Student-time We hope they realize that their careful attention to students doesn’t go unnoticed. We are very thankful that there are a large number of professors who take this commitment to students seriously!