TWU fountain

[June 15, 2013] — There is a growing presence of Christians at Texas Woman’s University: the Christian Faculty-Administrators-Staff Fellowship. You can see all of there activities at their website. The group makes clear that it is not an officially sponsored group of the university; instead it is a voluntary association that is open to all of the employees of the university.

Dr. Gary Ray, associate vice-president at TWU in charge of enrollment, leads the group. They explain in their mission statement:

We are professors, administrators and staff here at Texas Woman’s University who believe that life isn’t a solitary journey; life is meant to be shared with others. We would love to have you join us.

Some of us are young – and some of us, well… We are women and men of various ethnic backgrounds who love TWU — and who find the person and works of Jesus of Nazareth to be satisfying and true.